There is no way that someone can tell you an absolute formula for a successful drumming career. However, there are a number of things that will almost guarantee your failure. Here they are in no particular order.
- Develop a huge ego. Come to the realization that you already know everything there is to know about drumming. Refuse to learn from your peers or anyone else.
- Always play for yourself and not for the musicians or band you work with. Give no thought whatsoever to what the musicians need from you as a drummer.
- Always teach yourself. Don’t study with a private teacher no matter what. After all, they have no interest in helping you. They just want your money anyway.
- Always be very difficult to work with. Show up late to all gigs and rehearsals, or don’t show up at all. When you do show up, have a horrible attitude. Complain about everything and tell the singer how much he or she sucks.
- Sit home every day and complain that you don’t have any gigs rather than going out and meeting some more musicians to work with.
What do you think? Are there any other ways to fail as a drummer that you’d add to the list?