16th note rock beats are simply rock beats that contain some 16th notes rather than just 8th notes. The reason you add 16th notes is usually because the bass player and/or the guitarist is playing a groove that is based partially on 16th notes. So you need to to play something that fits in with what they are playing.
1.Rock Beat 1: The first beat is pretty simple. We’re just going to take an 8th note rock beat and add a couple 16th notes right after the and of counts 2 and 4.

2.Rock Beat 2: Similar to number 1, but now we have a 16th note between the 8th notes on our bass drum.

3.Rock Beat 3: This combines 1 and 2.

4.Rock Beat 4: This one’s a little more funky. We have a 16th note on the bass drum right after count 2 and 4 on the snare drum.

5.Rock Beat 5: Now we’ll create a new beat by combining 3 and 4.

6.Rock Beat 6: This one is pretty funky. Lots of off beats on the bass drum.

Now one thing I want you to notice with all these beats is that none contained any double strokes on the bass drum. While double strokes are interesting you can usually leave them out when you need to and still find something that will fit with the musicians you are playing with. This is especially useful if the tempo gets fast.